Final friendly game of 2016
To close the 2016 year, Malaysia Spurs had a friendly match with Astro Awani

Dr Jack Wong International Cup
Malaysia Spurs had the pleasure to host Singapore Spurs to a friendly football match on 1st of May 2016.

Membership Card Handout @ Sid’s Pub
We are delighted to inform Malaysia Spurs members, We will be handling the membership cards prior to the Spurs-Cardiff game at Sid’s Pub Bangsar South. For those who have yet to renew or register, you can do so by submitting the forms over to the committee members, together with the payment. So come one. Come...

1st loss, No Problem.
It was a highly anticipated match-up between two main rivals, Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur. Spurs, fresh from signing 3 players in a matter of hours, came in the match with maximum points whereas Arsenal was fresh from their maiden victory a week before. We did fairly well, creating openings and causing the Gunners’ defensive line...